Day 366

Look who's crawling
Day 360
Christmas was a lot of fun. Willa again preferred the wrapping paper to her gifts, but after we got tired of pulling chewed up paper out of her mouth we stuck her in her new jumper and she was quite pleased.
Jonas got a snowball maker/thrower and a little bit of snow of
Christmas. And I regifted him my old camera, these next two photos are
all him.
All the pretty photographers
Rich in the kitchen cooking us a good little Christmas feast for lunch. A big thank you to all of our friends and family that made this Christmas pretty wonderful.
Day 359

It seems no matter where we go on Christmas Eve there's always a reenactment of the first Christmas. This year Jonas was a wise man, Willa a shepherdess, and Rich a sheep.
Day 355
So I read a book called Baby-Led Weaning that advocated skipping purees, and it's going well despite the look of horror on Willa's face. Now that we've moved our table in front of the stairs whenever she doesn't like something she just reaches back and smears it all over the stairs, that's the one draw back to her feeding herself.
Day 352
Lately Jonas has been interested in taking pictures "of things I want to remember". These were just a few that turned out. It's funny, among the list of things he wants to remember were a mop, a chair, the wall, Willa, quite a few shots of his face really close up, his shadow. It's all rather cute.
Day 350
"Christmas" at Granny's is always pretty fun, but this year Jonas discovered the tire swing that's been around since I was his age, and Willa hung out with Granny eating pickles. That probably shouldn't have been her first food, but it was "Christmas" after all. As you can see Rich got to do all the manly stuff.
Check out Willa in this photo, she was in heaven. I'm sad to say that red tissue paper was her second foray into the world of "solid" food.
Day 349
Willa and I put a lot of Texas miles behind us. I counted it up and in the seven days we were there we spent over 21 hours in the car. I love ya Texas, but why do you have to be that big.
Day 348
day 347
This was our first time flying with both kids and surprisingly it went better than flying with just one kid. It must have been beginners luck or something.
The Lego Store. I kept calling it Lego Land on accident, and since then he hasn't asked "When are we going to Lego Land?" So I think it's bought us some time, at least until we get the next Lego magazine with smiling kids faces running around in bathing suits.
Leslie, your family is so lovely. Wish I could have given y'all a big Christmas hug, but that will have to wait. Miss you all!