I actually can't find my camera, and to tell the truth most days are a blur here lately anyways. So here are some photographic highlights of our lives as of late.
Jonas and I made homemade ice cream sandwiches to celebrate Becca's birthday, sprinkles and all, but then we forgot I guess, that they needed to be frozen, and left them out for a couple of hours. I'm chalking that one up to sleep deprivation.
Willa's first beach trip. It was only revere and she just ate and slept while others played in the waves but it's only the beginning for this little gal.
We recently subscribed to Lego magazine (one of the many things I never knew existed until I started raising a boy) and in the middle they have photos of kids and their lego creations. Keep in mind that they are usually pretty elaborate and involve structures that are as big as the kids themselves. But Jonas made this the other day and asked me to take his picture to send into the magazine. So cute yet so sad since I know it won't make it in, but I'm no dream busting mom. He even named it "Super Hero Boat", doubly cute/sad.
Rich got another paper published!
One of Willa's first "real" smiles.
Grandma Lorri came to town for the week which was great! I feel like I should have a picture of Rich next with a goofy smile, but seeing as he's the only mature person in our family, we're lacking one.
I've secretly always wanted to go on a duck tour, but after living here for 5 years I thought for sure we had missed some unspoken deadline for doing the overly touristy type things. This is where innocently visiting Mom gets abused and subjected to my every whim. She turned out to be a good sport and a good quacker. It was very cheesy but I actually learned about 100 things I didn't know before about the city, like where Edgar Allan Poe was born. It turns out it was in an ally way behind a boloco.
Last Sunday we blessed Willa. It was a beautiful blessing and of course I cried. Rich and I struggled to figure out what was the best way to bless her, should I write it and he say it? How do we make this an occasion we could both play apart in, since we both love her? But the morning of we talked a lot about what we wanted for her and I think the spirit led Rich to give one of the best baby blessings I have heard. I realize I might be biased, but this gals got some good blessings under her belt.
Oh and there's my mom again did I mention how great she is.
No fair!!! I didn't start sending photos to Lego magazine until I was seven, and even then they stunk. Jonas is way ahead of me. -- Matt