Wednesday, June 13, 2012

day...'s been a while. I'm not entirely sure where the past two weeks have gone, but I will say that I'm giving myself a free pass, since I was pretty certain that I was going to have a baby each one of those days. For some reason I convinced myself that this baby was going to arrive early, call it a gut feeling I guess. And now that we're just 3 days out from my due date I'm fairly certain that she's never coming out. That's why the dishes piled in my sink can wait, I've got plenty of time. 

day 165
The past couple of days Jonas and I have been sick, plus you add today's rain, we were going a bit crazy, but thanks to my SIL's pinterest post, we got a bit creative. I had forgotten how much fun/gross gak really is. 

day 163
A normal day on Holden st includes my son running out on the porch and "roaring" at the self proclaimed crazy lady who lives on our street (I actually really like her), who then pulls out this Godzilla from her purse hands it to Jonas and walks away. 

day 162

 I think I have to finally admit that we are the white trash neighbors on our street. Although this is pretty artsy, I think combined with our potted plants and the usually beach stuff we have drying on our porch it all comes together in all the wrong ways, to sort of have  the "lived in" kind of look. That being said, my kid is quite the artist, just look at that.

day 161
 The street giveth, and the street taketh away, has been my motto since living in Cambridge. On Saturday it wasn't an hour before I took this picture that I was telling Jonas that we needed some new lawn chairs since our old ones from DI are slowly dying. We went to run a few errands and not even a block from our house what did we find...

day 158

I clearly failed in getting a picture of this biker, but in the end I really liked the shot.

Day 157

Another Dr. Nielsen in our future?

Taking pictures of myself pregnant have not turned out to be the most flattering, but this is us having fun at the museum of science with a bunch of friends.

day 155
So for the past two Sundays we've actually biked to church.The strange thing  is that just a few weeks ago it was so uncomfortable that I thought my biking days were over for sure, but all of a sudden it feels fine, pretty much normal. Quite a few people have lectured me on how this is clearly a bad idea (my dr. not being one of them), and apart of me agrees, but on the other hand it's so hard to break a habit.

day 151

Last Thursday was my last day watching Austin, mostly because as I stated above I thought I would have a baby by now...  Jonas is now a little bored, but I keep reminding him only boring people get bored, to which he then tells me I'm boring. When did our kid learn to back talk?

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