Poor kid. Homemade haircuts with craft scissors are the worst.
day 130
day 129
Tuesday night I stayed up 'til midnight to bid on these skates off of ebay. I've been wanting some for a while now to relive every Friday and Saturday night of my childhood, mid-life crisis maybe?. I was for sure I'd regret it the next morning, but it turned out I didn't and still don't. The only thing I regret is it turns out roller skating is on the do NOT do this when you're pregnant list, right after drinking alcohol.
day 128
Jonas rolling down boston common.
day 127
Rich got a new board and Jonas couldn't have been happier. "Two boards for two people!"
day 126
The first fruits of spring. Seeing as I've already killed all my basil and cilantro, this lone tomato fills me with a little hope.day 125
For the past month while they turned Arams Pizza (sad) into All Star Pizza Bar, we'd walk by and Jonas would scream the name and laugh. So when they finally opened last week we had to go. The verdict - 
day 124
day 123
To celebrate Rich coming home we went to go see the IMAX Under the Sea. About 10 minutes into the show Jonas decided that the 3D glasses made everything too scary so he watched the rest of the film without them. This lead to Jonas wondering out loud a few times why the animals had two/three heads? You would think that would have made the movie scarier, but there's no arguing with a 3 year old, I've tried. Add to that him yelling "A love triangle mom!" in reference to mating cuddle fish. I think we'll have to work on the no talking thing before we venture out to the movies again.
day 122
Gifts from Cairo. Long story short, a long time ago Rich went to Toronto, where I had heard that they have the best street hot dogs, so I asked him to bring me one home. Much to my disappointment he didn't, and ever since when he asks me what I want when he travels I say a street dog. Partly to annoy him, and partly to give him a chance to redeem himself. When he told me he got me the perfect gift I foolishly thought clothes, a rug, earrings? Who knew hotdog chips even existed. The Verdict -
I kind of want to order a ton to fulfill the stake's new push for food storage. They're practically a meal in one.
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day 119
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day 117
Jonas is so clever! A love triangle indeed! Also, those chips look delicious! Almost as good as the shrimp chips they sell in China.